
Saturday, June 30, 2012

Yes, I'm Sorry!

So yes, I have neglected the blogging world for 2 days but only because I have been busy with the business & getting my house back in order. I don't have a decent camera at the moment so you will have to bear with the photos but today I made a melon & apple car for my little monster & I made carrot & cucumber snacks for my little princess :)

Keeping it simple today guys.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Quiet Little Day

Today we didn't get up to much, mummah bear isn't feeling tip top. The kidlets had been somewhat well behaved so far this week so I let them help me make and then eat a chocolate cake as a treat. We made an extra large replica of the good old Aussie Arnott's Tim Tam :) Although the warmth in the house made the icing run a little, it still tasted fantastic :)

They also helped mummah bear decorate her study all ready for her business that starts on Sunday! Seems all this time has gone so fast!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Been A Busy Little Bee!

So yesterday and today have been very busy for me. I have been hunting for new stock for the business, tracking down missing stock & looking into home schooling for my little monsters. Today I kept things a little simple so that I could power through my work :) We had a very hungry caterpillar for morning tea while the kidlets watched The Little Mermaid.

Then we had a cheese & cracker flower snack for afternoon tea :)
Yes, this entry is very short but today I am one very busy mummah bear. Anyhoo, I'm off again to finish my book keeping. Bye for now, not forever :)

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Finally Some Warmth! - Cotton Bud Painting :)

So shortly after my earlier post the clouds cleared & the sun warmed outside up enough to trust the kidlets wouldn't catch a cold. They wanted to paint but they wanted to play in the backyard too so I thought what a way to spend the afternoon & we carted all our paint gear outside & set up right in the backyard! (Excuse the raggy blanket, it's our messy craft blanket, hence all the paint splats)

We did cotton bud painting :) and this is the end result :)

I think I have 2 mini Picasso's on my hands, don't you? ;)

Saturday, June 23, 2012

It's Getting Colder...

So here in Melbourne, it's slowly getting colder & colder as it gets further into winter. Me & the kidlets are far from used to the cold weather here, being from the tropics we don't adjust well to southern winters. So today, again, we were trapped in the house but due to cold weather rather than rain. we didn't really have a theme today but we did make some macaroni pictures :)

We also had bookworm sandwiches for lunch. Made with a cucumber bookworm & cheese slices as the pages inside the bread book. (Although you can't really see the pages)

We also had a beach themed fruit snack for morning tea :) We used a banana as the palm tree trunk, kiwi fruit as the palm fronds, mandarin pieces as the sandy island & blueberries for the water :)

The kidlets really wanted to go outside today but it was very cold & mummah bear didn't want them to catch a cold, especially this close to my sales starting date for the business, which might I add makes ne very nervous and over-excited at the same time lately :L

Friday, June 22, 2012

Grainy Day :)

I can't fully understand why but so far today all the kidlets have wanted is bread and biscuits, figuring it was healthy foods at least, I just went along with it. So for breakfast they got Robot Toast...

 Fairly simple to make. you only need one piece of toast to make the whole body & you use every piece of bread so you aren't wasting food either :) For ours we used vegemite spread, the white sections are cream cheese, the buttons on the belly are coco pops & the eyes are a halved grape :)

And for lunch they had a bunnies behind :) Eating a behind for lunch may seem somewhat rude but how can you think about that when you see how cute this is! For the grass I used shredded lettuce, the butterfly is 2 pieces of mandarin, the body is a rice cake & 2 Belvita breakfast biscuits & cheese circle cut outs :)

A Colourful Day In The Life Of: Fruit Loop Motor Skills.

So this morning I thought I would revisit colours with the kidlets to see how well their memory is. So I tried 'Fruit Loop Motor Skills' as we call it. It looks a little something like this... 

And this is how you do it :) Get a piece of Styrofoam & 5 bamboo skewers. Colour (with crayons, felt pens, dye or paint - I used crayons) each skewer one colour each - red, orange, yellow, green, blue & purple. Then place them in that order spike down into the Styrofoam. I first asked them to sort the fruit loops into the colours and place them on the corresponding skewers, then I asked them to name the colours in a row. To make things a little trickier for them I asked them to count the fruit loops on each skewer for me. So all in all, this nifty trick taught them motor skills (getting the fruit loops onto the skewers), colours, sorting AND counting all in one activity!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Healthy Garden Snacks

So today it was very rainy & gloomy outside & I was running blank on craft ideas that the kids would actually be occupied with. So we just decided to make a giant CandyLand in their play room. This was the outcome and the kids love them. We used 2 paper plates glued together then 'bon-on style' wrapped them in cellophane for the hard candies on the wall, 2 small balloons 'bon-bon style' wrapped in cellophane for the round candies on the floor & for the kidlets giant lollypops we used a 1cm thick piece of plastic pipe for the stick, a small balloon for the candy part & cellophane over the top tied on with pink ribbons :)

We also had some healthy garden snacks, I didn't think hyping them up on sugar to match the CanyLand rumpus room would have been wise considering their already hyperactive & energetic personalities. 

For morning tea we had caterpillars :) I used a melon baller to shape melon for the body, blueberries for the eyes & thin slices of apple skin for the legs & antennae.

For afternoon tea we had flowers in the grass :) I sliced grapes in half for the petals & used a blueberry for the flower centre, a celery stick for the stem & shredded lettuce for the grass :)

It may have been gloomy outside today but nothing can rain on our parade that's for sure ;)

Recycled Princess Castle

So my little miss Ari has an obsession with princesses & the movie Tangled, although she calls it 'Rapunzel Moomee' :L. Anyway, so today we gathered up a few things from our craft cupboard and made a castle :)

We started with a shoe box (castle frame), a piece of cardboard larger than the base of the shoebox (painted and used for the water surrounding the castle), some toilet paper rolls (mini towers/turrets on the corners of the shoebox), a larger cardboard roll (for the centre turret which will be taller than the outer turrets) - tin foil roll, cling wrap roll, paper towel roll etc; - some scissors (safety scissors for little miss), glue, paint, ribbon, stickers & some nic nacs found around the house all for decorating the castle. This is our finished product but use your imagination and make it more boyish if you like or make it bigger or more rustic, the ideas are limitless :)

First Time Blogger Fail :)

Well, that is obviously me. I am a first time blogger, never even really been one to keep a diary or journal but I figured it's about time I do. Maybe one day my children will look back & see all the wonderful things we did & overcame through their upbringing within this blog. This is clearly my first entry so I might as well introduce myself. The few things that you won't find in my 'About Us' section is that I became a first time mummah bear at 15 years & 4 months old, and had my second kidlet at 16 years & 2 months old. Another thing not mentioned is that they are the 2 most amazing little monsters I have ever met & I am forever proud to say they are all mine! I have a 2 years 4 month old son Jaylen & a 3 years 2 month old daughter Arianna. We stick by each other just like every other family, we live together like every other family & we love each other all the same :) There is rarely a day where there isn't some kind of creative flare that is thrown into the daily schedule just to keep us all entertained. So I used to blog on my Facebook profile which is my entire social life (sad but true :L ), then I made a 'like' page on Facebook to share my creations, ranging from food, to art & craft, to learning activities for kidlets, eventually I branched out into a business and now decided to start a blog to document my story from now until (hopefully) the break-out of my business. I want to show my children that it is a possibility to come from nothing and make it somewhere big, so that is exactly what I am doing.