
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Recycled Princess Castle

So my little miss Ari has an obsession with princesses & the movie Tangled, although she calls it 'Rapunzel Moomee' :L. Anyway, so today we gathered up a few things from our craft cupboard and made a castle :)

We started with a shoe box (castle frame), a piece of cardboard larger than the base of the shoebox (painted and used for the water surrounding the castle), some toilet paper rolls (mini towers/turrets on the corners of the shoebox), a larger cardboard roll (for the centre turret which will be taller than the outer turrets) - tin foil roll, cling wrap roll, paper towel roll etc; - some scissors (safety scissors for little miss), glue, paint, ribbon, stickers & some nic nacs found around the house all for decorating the castle. This is our finished product but use your imagination and make it more boyish if you like or make it bigger or more rustic, the ideas are limitless :)

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