
Sunday, July 15, 2012

Busy Little Day :)

 So this morning this little mummah woke up with this most shocking headache making creativity a little stunted for the day but here is a little summary of our day anyway :)

 We had helmet head sandwiches for lunch :)

 And snow plow bikkies for morning tea :)

 We made kites out of plastic bags, some yarn & some streamers :) This kept the kidlets busy for HOURS!

And we made snake bubbles using a rubber band which held a face washer over the end of a bottle which I had cut off. We dipped the face washer end into some bubble mix I had made - 2 parts detergent to 1 part water - and then blew through the cap end of the bottle making a snake-like stream of bubbles :)

1 comment:

  1. Love the bag kites - what a great idea, my little tribe would love this!
