
Monday, August 13, 2012

Rockmelon Roses & Watermelon Puzzles :)

Alright so this post is just a little gloat because this afternoon as I was using my sandwich cutters to make watermelon puzzle pieces with rock melon (cantaloupe for all those overseas) 'love' letters on them, I looked to the side of the cutting board & there was a thinly sliced off-cut of rock melon. After staring at it for a while I started to wonder if I could make a rose by rolling it up. So once I finished making the puzzle pieces, I grabbed the off-cut and gave it a go. It came out so amazing, I was (and still am!) so pleased with the outcome. So here is our afternoon tea.

And here is the close up of the rose. :)
They came out so great I just had to share it! :)


  1. I love all your awesome Food Art! I'm gonna have to try so many of them!

  2. This is a magnificent idea!

  3. I pinned this and featured it on my blog today. Thanks for linking up with Kid's Co-op!
