
The Mummah Behind The Blog & How To Get In Contact

My name is Emilie, I'm a Melbourne, Australia based young mummy of 2 little terrors & I am the owner/creator of Creative Kidlets 101. After many attempts to return to studies, I eventually decided that I missed my kidlets too much to place them in childcare bringing me to a decision that I would be a SAHM until my youngest was of school age but soon things changed. CK101, well it started as a little Facebook page just sharing my ideas to keep little ones occupied & eating healthy, fun meals then over time it's slowly grown into something wonderful! It was then I decided to branch out from my little Facebook page & become a WAHM supplying all the wonderful nick nacks I come across for little kidlets (and adults alike!) to assist in creating funky looking food and occupying munchkins of all ages through any season. Then I entered the Blogger world & well, here I am, sharing all my positive parenting & creativity with the world :) Your children are only young once so why not enjoy it while it lasts :) I somewhat blog my food creations, art, crafts & activities as frequent as possible on my Facebook page and well, now on here too :) Feel free to have a browse or contact me via my Facebook page & remember - when it comes to kidlets, imagination is the key!

1 comment:

  1. I seriously thought I was the only person to call my children my 'kidlets'!
