
Friday, August 3, 2012

Balloon Balls & String Painting :)

So our efforts today went to making a rice filled balloon ball :) The catch was - we had no funnels to do it! We managed to get it done though, after A LOT of spilled rice :L But here is the experience broken down :)

 Ready to go :)

 Rice & balloons ready to be transformed :)

 Look mummy! I'm doing it! :)
 Look at what I made!

The finished product :)

Then we did some string painting which yes, got very messy. it went from string painting to hand prints to finger painting :)

 Yes, I always get in on the fun! :)

 Is this right mummy? :)

This is our finished artworks :) It really was fun & I really enjoyed the kids faces when they seen me pull the string from the paint pot - they were so intrigued!


  1. We love sensory balloons! So much fun, but yes those little things are hard to fill. The string painting looks like a blast; we'll have to give it a try. I love that you got right in there with them and created your own. My kind of mama. :) Thanks for linking up to The Sunday Showcase.

    1. I'm always right there with them, sometimes I swear I have more fun doing the activities than they do haha! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. I remember doing string painting as a kid. It was so much fun. I should do that with my daughter. Looks like you guys had fun with it.

    1. Me being so young (only 18, insane with 2 kidlets - I know haha) all the activities I did in school as a child are all still completely fresh to me & if I remember it, I try it on the kidlets, if they like it then we keep in on our list of things to do again :) Thanks for stopping by :)

  3. So our efforts today went to making a rice filled balloon ball :) The catch was - we had no funnels to do it! We managed to get it done though, after A LOT of spilled rice :L But here is the experience broken down.
    Edmonton Painters
    Painters Edmonton
