
Thursday, August 2, 2012

From Nature Day To Nature Week

So this week has been a little hectic for us all as a family but we pulled through. The weeks been packed with exploring nature & me looking into all avenues of home-schooling that I could to find research to further base my choice on. So during our fast paced week this is what we got up to :)

 Grape & orange butterflies :)

 Jaylen had fun exploring the rosemary we planted a few short months ago. The smell it left on his hands made him rather interested & excited, he kept going back to rub his hands over the rosemary then smell his hands - it was wonderful! :)

 Then he found this leaf & was amazed at how big it was & just demanded that I looked & took a photo :)
 Then he found a rose :) He picked it & handed it to me then said "you're welcome mummy." My little boy is becoming a gentleman! :)

Then the kidlets & I made colourful cloud dough :)

We are a busy little family, between my business, the kidlets growing every day & maintaining a household, times do tend to get too busy to remember to blog everyday but feel free to follow our Facebook page ---> Creative Kidlets 101 <--- as it is updated far more often than my blog sadly!


  1. Those butterflies are absolutely adorable! What a fun way to incorporate some fruit!! I would love for you to share this at Mom's Test Meal Mondays! This week is all about the kiddos & their favorite after-school snacks! Hope to see you there!

    Have a great day!

  2. most definitely will! :) I have plenty more ideas for fruit - I tend to get creative with it a lot but will definitely share on Mom's Test Meal Mondays :)
